As we celebrate the second national Juneteenth Independence Day, Fizika resolves to work collaboratively to overcome obstacles to progress. With increasing gun violence and lack of accessibility to quality medical care, fresh food, safe and affordable housing for too many, it is important to acknowledge the outside impacts of one’s health in the community. By embracing a holistic view of wellbeing that nourishes our brains, bodies and souls as we age, and encourages us to become better stewards of our selves, and our communities.
We know that change begins with us. As we take better care of ourselves, we become more mindful and capable of addressing the needs of others.
We call on ourselves and our partners to BE the Change that enables communities overcome racism, sexism, ageism by valuing each and every individual regardless of the color of their skin, ethnicity or disability.
On May 7, 2022, I was ordained in the Sacred Order of Deacons in the Episcopal Church. My ordination vows call me to serve all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the sick and the lonely.
I am blessed to serve two Episcopal churches in Lancaster county as a deacon - Saint James in downtown Lancaster and St Paul in Columbia. As a bivocational minister, my leadership of b_Fizika and as developer of Fizikaflex, calls me to find points of intersection where my ministry dovetails with our company’s mission of helping people adopt life-sustaining and life-giving health behaviors.
Fizika is actively seeking faith-based and community-based organizations to offer Fizikaflex as a way to motivate and maintain employees who are healthy and productive. To establish community networks where people can access needed medical services and nutritious fresh food. Health inequities and health disparities are being made worse by the ongoing pandemic. At Fizika, we want to work with community partners on solutions to overcome systemic barriers.
We offer a series of educational workshops on the 7 domains of wellbeing, led by our founder and members of our strategic advisory board.We look forward to working with you!
- The Rev. Martha Lester Harris
Founder, b_Fizika, LLC